Thursday, September 4, 2008

needless administrative delays

Hi everyone.  I thought I'd give a little update for Sam since she is back at the UCH without internet access.  We are still fighting the fight which at this time is pain and City Hall/Insurance. Sam was admitted into ICU Tuesday morning for severe abdominal pain. ( which is sad because the insurance is denying coverage at this time saying they wont approve her transplant until she has abdominal organ failure.  Well her organs definitely are not functioning right which is causing her a lot of pain and suffering. To me that is organ failure ) 
The ICU staff is starting to get her pain under control ( with high doses of narcotics )  so in the mean time her doctor decided to go ahead with a new round of chemotherapy.  It was hoped that she would of been in Miami right now and not needing this round of chemo.  The last chemo type was not effective enough with her liver so a new type will be decide on today and tried.
As for the insurance battle we had hoped my employer would of given the approval for the procedure but yesterday we learned that they took the human factor out of it and recently gave away the control of our insurance stating, it's now out of our hands, and up to Cigna. (Thanks for making me wait and jump through the hoops first). The denial decision at Cigna was made by Dr. Stephan Crawford, who was in the middle of the firestorm for Cigna when they declined coverage for Nataline Sarkisyan. (Google it).  We have faith that the life saving procedure will get done however we our tempting fate by these needless delays giving the cancer a chance to spread to another organ which can take away this only option we have left. We have this window of opportunity and hopefully with a little help, we will get this done for Sam, and all of us that love her so much.  Thanks, and lot of love, Chris


Nancy said...

Hi guys,

My heart goes out to all of you. I'm sorry to hear about Sammy. If there is anything I can do, please call me!

Love you guys,
Nancy B

Anonymous said...

Hey Sammy,

You just keep fighting the good fight. There are prayers being said for you from people you do not know, but God is listening nonetheless. Hang in there and keep up your spirit.

Sending you positive thoughts!
Christina Ballester

Becky said...

Only good thoughts for you guys. Thanks for keeping us posted. Always checking in.

Cousin Becky, Chris "Bernie", and Eddie.