Hey everybody. I know waiting to hear news is hard, and sometimes we need something to pass the time.. well at least I do. This is something I came across that really had me laughing and I thought I'd share in case you need something to do ever as well. This webpage is www.yearbookyourself.com . Here's some pictures of me throughout the years..(they are supposed to be 1960,1966,1990, and 1996) Haha.. hope this gives you a laugh and helps ease through the waiting!
Lots of love,
Im not sure which one I like better, the 1960 photo or the after picture you posted in November....Ok I know, its the November photo.
Hey, Sammy: I don't have to go to this website to conjur up dorky pictures of myself in High School. All I have to do is open my old Etruscans and take a look.
[Shudder] Yer Neighbor
That is hysterical! I like the 80's Farah Fawcett big hair doo. haha. Thanks for sharing the laugh Sammy!
Aunt Cara
Thanks for keeping us entertained. Love the 1966...you're a real looker! Ok..so we'll be more patient in waiting. You do the same! Love ya bunches!
Mr. & Mrs. Sanders
Becky and Eric
Hi Sammy,
About 5 years ago you helped coach my daughter Emma's Glenview Titans Fastpitch softball team. She was 7and totally loved you, you may remember her hanging all over you! You were so great with those kids and it's obvious that they loved you for your great sense of humor and tremendous spirit, which I have no doubt will help you beat this cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Steph Yonkers
Hi- I just wanted to leave a comment to let you know that 22 months ago I had a multivisceral transplant performed by Dr. Tzakis in Miami. What an awesome doctor!! I had a six organ transplant which included my stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, spleen and duodenum. Miracles happen everyday, so I will keep you in my prayers. Please know that with the doctors at JMH/UM in Miami, you will have the best care possible!!!
Hi Sammy,
I'm a friend of your Aunt Mary's and have written you before, also have kept up with all your blogs.
I'm all finished with my own breast cancer treatment (please God) and my family and I keep you in our prayers every single day, down here in Sarasota, Florida, AKA alligator land.
Glad to know they have great doctors for you in Miami; my doctors here are great as well. Just stay away from any fresh water when you're down here, or the alligators may get you. I wish I were making this up.
Loved the pictures.
Mary Ann Reardon Dilan
Sammy you look a lot like a pic of grandma Winnie that we have, the 60's one... love this web site.
Sammy Sammy So Sammy, ETC.
Hey Samster,
Do your parents know your posing for these?
Uncle Mikey
Hi Sam
Love the pictures --- they brought back some memories --- think about the 90's picture .. now image, your mom making my headpiece for my wedding around all that hair! She did it!
all of us send XXOO to you guys..and you are always in our thoughts and prayers!!!!
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