Sunday, September 7, 2008

A step in the right direction

Some good news.  We have made some progress with the insurance company.  As you probably know our insurance company denied coverage of any steps towards Sam receiving the needed transplant. Well while we are appealing that decision, a Cigna rep. called and approved benefits for Sam to go back down to Miami and be officially evaluated/examined for the procedure.  That’s a start.


This coming week we will be trying to coordinate everything to get the needed appointments in Miami.  However Sam is in no condition right now to travel.  She also just had to start another round of chemo in hopes to knock back the liver tumors growth, which should also, hopefully relieves some of her pain issues. He current chemo is scheduled to end Wednesday.  We hope the chemo along with the associated side effects won’t delay any of the evaluation steps. Then with a little luck and a lot of hard work hopefully everything will be approved and arranged to get this done within the next few weeks. We are not giving in…it will get done. 


To those of you that have been trying to call, text or e-chat with Sam.  Besides the "do not operate heavy machinery warning" on her medication they should include “ or try to operate or stay awake long enough to use any modern telecommunication devices” .  Give her a little time to get back to normal (level of consciousness) and she’ll get reconnected with you all.   Thanks for all the calls and offers of help and support.   Lots of love, Chris 


Anonymous said...

SAM! that is awesome news. you cannot imagine the HUGE smile on my face.

Unknown said...

Great will win!!!
Love and Prayers!
Bruce and Margaret
Becky and Eric

Nancy said...

Hi Guys,

That is wonderful news! Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Always in our thoughts and prayers!

Nancy & girls