lots of love
My sometimes silly, sometimes scary but always true story of my battle through Pancreatoblastoma. My stories are here for both your sake and mine. You can keep yourself up to date, and I don't have to repeat the story a few too many times a day. Even though its only an online blog, it's given me feelings of hope and courage to keep on in my 'battle,' because of all the love, care and support I get from everyone else. So keep reading, and feel free to share your thoughts with a comment!
Good luck Sammy!
I'm sure you can't wait for the docs to 'whip' the heck out of that cancer. hope the recovery goes quickly and smoothly and that you are back playing with Bella soon!
love you,
My prediction....and I'm never wrong about this stuff.... you're going to do SO well, that they'll have to rename the procedure after you. So, start thinking of what they should call it. I was thinking samkickassectomy?
You were an amazing kid with a glow about you when you played softball with Mandy. All will be well. :)
-Edie Harrison (Mandy's mom)
Go get 'em Sam! Here's to a speedy recovery. We're looking forward to your next post.
Sandy, Ian and Roscoe (Aunt Mary's buddies)
Whip it Sam. Whip it good.
We'll be sending good thoughts and lots of love tomorrow!
We're all sending good thoughts your way, Sammy! (btw, I'm particularly fond of Edie H.'s "samkickassectomy". Has a real ring to it!)
All the best,
Kim Oliver
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