Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rough Day

Hey everyone.. so I know a lot of people know already but here's the update with what happened on Friday- we weren't able to do the surgery.  The whole point of the whipple procedure was to prepare for a liver transplant basically, because you can't do a transplant unless everything else is cancer free.  So I did go in, endure a painfully long attempt at placing an epidural and go under for surgery, but first they do a laproscopy .. so put a camera through your belly button to check stuff out.. and they found more cancer on my abdomen wall so they had to stop and not do the operation.  This was pretty rough news on all of us, because this was our best option and plan...but we'll find another.  My doc is out of town until Monday so we'll find out 'plan B' when she gets back and tries to figure out where to go from here.  lots of love



Lyndsey said...

Hi Sam,

I am so sorry that Friday didn't go as planned; however, hopefully this will mean that "Plan B" will be an even better option. Hang in there and keep smiling.

I'll be thinking about you and and praying for you. (I am not sure how much pull I have in that area considering I am a terrible Jew and never go to temple, but it's worth a shot!) :)

Take Care,

Squinting2C said...

Hey Lyndsey... Your temple is wherever you pray. God is portable.
Sam, what a disappointment. Not many days to Monday, but it must seem like a long time.

While you're waiting, take Bella's advice for passing time; eat your food, scratch where it itches, chase some balls and take lots of naps between your fun sessions.

Much love...

Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!!

Sweet Pea! You have no idea how many people love you and are praying for you -- all over the world!

Like Uncle Dan says: "Are you THE Sammy Cipolla?"

This is a tough battle, and you are winning in a million ways!

Lots of love -- from all of us --right back to you.

Aunt Mary (and all your aunts and uncles and cousins!!)

Nancy said...

Hi Guys,
Sorry to hear the news. But plan B will be better then plan a!
Sam you know you are always in our thoughts and prayers! Kepp up your great spirit. If you need anything just call. Enjoy the great weather we are having, I'm sure Bella loves to be outside.
Love you,
Nancy & the girls