Thursday, April 3, 2008

Here we go!

So we've got the green light for tomorrow.  My surgery is scheduled for 9:30 am so I should be getting out sometime in the afternoon.  I'll try and have Alex or my parents put an update on here as soon as we can with how the surgery went.  I most likely will not want any visitors at the hospital so don't be offended if we deny you a visit haha.  I'm gonna be pretty out of it anyways for a while so I may not be the best conversationalist.  I'll be home in a couple weeks.  Thanks for all the constant support everyone

lots of love



Unknown said...

Good luck Sammy!
I'm sure you can't wait for the docs to 'whip' the heck out of that cancer. hope the recovery goes quickly and smoothly and that you are back playing with Bella soon!

love you,

Squinting2C said...

My prediction....and I'm never wrong about this stuff.... you're going to do SO well, that they'll have to rename the procedure after you. So, start thinking of what they should call it. I was thinking samkickassectomy?

You were an amazing kid with a glow about you when you played softball with Mandy. All will be well. :)

-Edie Harrison (Mandy's mom)

Sandy said...

Go get 'em Sam! Here's to a speedy recovery. We're looking forward to your next post.

Sandy, Ian and Roscoe (Aunt Mary's buddies)

Lara said...

Whip it Sam. Whip it good.

We'll be sending good thoughts and lots of love tomorrow!


Unknown said...

We're all sending good thoughts your way, Sammy! (btw, I'm particularly fond of Edie H.'s "samkickassectomy". Has a real ring to it!)
All the best,
Kim Oliver