Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So I'm back in the hospital for round 2 of chemo. The title was woooahhh b/c I finally somehow made it to the infamous room 14. Some people are here years and can't get in here. It's so big and the view is awesome and theres 2 big comfy chairs, couch that pulls out into a bed, and the bathroom's floor is blue and shiny oooo! and theres a much better showering system in that one. so ya, its pretty sweet. I guess I've been getting on the right people's good sides! I've been happy so far being here I had Sarah as my nurse yesterday which just started things off fantastic, and my mom and mary hung during the day and Tay came and hung with me last night :) I just realized I didn't make mary write in my visiting journal. Mary you owe me an entry. Today has been a pretty good day, I woke up to find out i have ANOTHER favorite nurse Dasha today.. I'm lucking out. They're just so nice here I can't even explain! They make getting pumped with poison a walk in the park...kinda. I brought some new bella pictures to the room since she's gotten so much bigger I had to stay updated! I have some pictures of Taylor and I too and my nurse asked if that was 'my man' and it made me giggle like a school girl .. well he's my booooyfrieeeeend. ;) just kidding tay you're all man! grr!
so anyways I'm here for 5 days of chemo, supposed to be a bit rougher on the nausea/appetite thing than last time, but I dont think that can get worse, so hey! no bad news there right? On the plus side not as many nasty mouth sores! too much info? So I should be going home sometime Saturday and hopefully longer than 4 days of pukey-mc-pukster this time. Thanks to all the support everyone... I hear you're feedin the fam back home!

lots of love


Alex said...


Cora said...

Hey Sam!
Well my parents said that you looked great when they visited the other day espically with your new do!!:) Well that is just wonderful to hear:) You are in our prayers everyday and in all our thoughts:) Keep kicking this things butt and stay stong girl! You are amazing!!

Nancy said...

Hi Sammy,

It's great to hear from you. Love your spirit. Brit got a good laugh from your entry. Your room sounds better then some I stayed in during vacations. I know you have a rough road this week, but with your spirit and with all your friends and family you will get thru this and kick it's ass!

And don't forget those great nurses!

We are always with you, tell your family Hi from us...

Love you,
Nancy B

Margarite Loew said...

Sam -
It was good to see you at home last week - and to be bitten by Bella. You're always in my thoughts, especially this week. Stay strong.

Kathy said...

Hi Sam,
We have never met. I'm an old friend of your parents. Your attitude & spirit are awesome! You go girl! I'm also fighting to "kick this things butt!" Just a bit different than your "thing." I suggest a pill called L-lysine for the mouth sores, 1/day. You can get it over the counter. Keep strong & positive. I'll keep praying for you.

sarah rn said...

hey! we're testing this out!

Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!!

You are such a little trooper, and have taught me so much. You will never know how proud I am that you are my niece.

Love you,
Aunt Mary

Uncle Mikey said...

Hey Samster, Happy Friday.

Yeah, I'm still stalking!

Uncle Joe said...


Sorry I missed you when you were at home! Glad you got room 14, a room with a view. Did you see one of your nurses is testing your blog? That's coolio! Hang tough sweet potato, we're still praying for a speedy butt-kicking! Good to be inside this weekend!!

Bye byeeeee.

Uncle Joe

Aunt Amy said...

Hi Sam!
I check with you each and every day..so I join Michael in the ranks of stalkers. Hope those nasty drugs are doin' the trick.

It's gonna be a bitter cold weekend in Ohio as well.

Hang in there...we love you.
