Monday, January 21, 2008

Home Again

Hey all.. this is gonna have to be short and sweet 'cause I'm feeling kinda crappy. I am back home after round 2 of chemo. To be honest I'm not sure when all my scans and everything is, I probably should, but I don't at the moment. One of the docs said at the hospital when she was feeling my belly she could actually tell that my liver wasn't as large. thats super! So now I'm just at home trying to not get so sick again 'cause all my counts will drop... nothing new really..thanks for all the support..

lots of love..



Uncle Mikey said...

Hey Samster,

Home again Home again Jiggedy Jig.

Get some rest girl.

Uncle Mikey

Andrew said...

Love you

Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!!

Lots of love coming your way all day long.

Aunt Mary

Aunt Amy said...


Glad you're back home. Hey, great news on the stomach "feel"!

Love you and thinking about you.

Kisses. Amy

Nancy said...

Good morning Sam,

Happy to hear that you are home!
Great news about your liver.
Keep warm and cuddle up with Bella.

Love you,
Nancy and girls

Pomazal's said...

Welcome Home Sam,

As Dorthy says, Theres no place like home. Enjoy. Rest up.
Congrats on the stomach.

Debbie P.

Sadie said...

Hey Sammy~
I am glad to hear that you are home again and that you got the royal treatment in the hospital! Cassie is coming here in Feb and we are going to come and hang with you for a while! If you are up to it that is, but cant wait to see ya!

Love you Lots!

Allan said...

Glad you're home, glad you have Bella. Hospitals, even the best, don't match being close to family. I've been there a couple of times. You have spirit, a lot to offer this old world. Say hi to your parents for me.
Your great uncle,


kitty said...

Hey Sammy girl - You are in my thoughts all the time. I can't wait to cook paella again with you!!
Aunt Cara