Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Come on Sam Put up a new post already will ya?!?

Hey everybody.. so my last chemo at Chicago sometimes has the side effects of hair loss... but we didn't know if it would happen for sure or not.  After 2 weeks of beautifully growing hair finely groomed into a mohawk that my parents loved oh SO much.. we thought I was keepin it! But alas.. 2 nights ago I woke up and there was some hairs on my sheet which totally grossed me out and I was getting all mad 'till I thought.. hmm.. could that be me?  So I did the hair test (run my hair through my hands pull and see what happens) and well.. you can figure what happened.  I turned around to check the pillow to make sure and yes... it looked like a dog (not Bella of course because she's my perfect puppy who doesn't shed) had laid on my pillow. DANG IT! That's okay though.  The thing with me is I CAN'T STAND when my hair is falling out, it grosses me out and is nasty!  I just want it off asap, so my parents were nice enough to go buy my request.. a buzzer.  Unfortunately they couldn't find the spray colors I was hoping for.. (a nice pink or blue would have done).. Target has finally failed my mom.  But anyways.. here is a before before (pre mohawk)  picture since you saw my mohawk in the last one.... (that's Dasha if you didn't know.. and if you don't know who Dasha is you're slacking)-

Then here is what we created.. a REAL mohawk!  No 'fohawk' b/c the sides weren't still there... oh man .. are you getting scared yet or what?!

I think even I got a bit scared when I saw what we made!....(you can click on the picture to make it even bigger to view!)

But don't worry .. we only had this real mohawk for about 2 minutes for some quick pictures and laughs.  It wasn't perfected unfortunately because the buzzer we were using was totally weak and it was taking FOREVER to buzz my hair off.  But we were also on a deadline because I had a catscan lined up, and I still had to buzz the rest, then shower before the catscan.  So we buzzed the rest off and I got cleaned up.. and here's the end result...


oh..oh...pheeew. Goodness I got scared there.  That's just a picture of Alex.  That made me nervous.  (I'm gonna get beat up for this one)...

But really it's all off now but the buzzer was so lame the buzz job is pretty spotty and ugly and you just don't get to see yet!  Imagine if a 3 year old tried to buzz someone's hair and left a few's kinda like that.  Not my mom's fault of course.. just a very weak buzzer!  I'm going to have a new update soon because I should have some type of news to update you all with in a few days.  I figured I would put SOMETHING up now to keep people calm because I hear I create quite an uproar when I don't update the blog frequently enough.  Sorry everybody!  Hope this gave you a quick laugh and reminder that I'm still the good old me besides a rough transition into a new place.  Soon you'll get to see pictures of HOPEFULLY my parents and I .. maybe even in the new place we rent?  That would be great!  As a last note I would like to mention that my sister Alex is the most beauuuuutiful girl I've ever laid my eyes upon and this blog was a joke only and I wish I were as lovely as her. That saves me right? I hope so.  Hope everybody back in Chicago.. well... or wherever you're doing well.  Thank you for the support as usual out here in Miami.  I will update soon with news... but for now my tummy is grumbling like you wouldn't believe because I can't have anything to eat or drink in preparation for my PET scan this morning.  I miss everybody back home so badly and it makes me want to fight harder and work my butt off once this gets done so that I can get home quicker.  I especially miss Carisa, Tony, Alex, and Bella back home but I know they're being taken care of.  But I'd love to beat them up.. I mean give them big hugs!  Until next time.. 

lots of craaazy love,

P.S. Let's have a blog contest! First person to post a comment about what's different in my recent new mohawk pictures (besides my mohawk) wins!  Good luck! .. oh.. there's not a prize. Sorry.  Dad (and mom) you're not allowed to comment and win you already know.  You lost the contest badly when I gave it to you in real life anyways!

P.P.S. One last thing in this terribly long blog... I was looking at my 'cluster map' on the left side of the blog which shows where people are viewing from... who went into the middle of the ocean and then looked at my blog?!?!?! And also did you use a floaty raft with paddles or something more sophisticated?  Just curious


Squinting2C said...

I give up.. you pierced your tongue?!?

alex said...

Don't think that cancer is going to get you out of a MAJOR butt-whooping when I come down there. In fact, I may have to come earlier than planned just to teach you a lesson.

And as for this contest.... You're not wearing goth nailpolish anymore?

alex said...

P.S. When you said you miss us at the end... thanks for putting me in front of Bella (even though I know you miss her more.) Really, I appreciate it.

P.P.S. But you're still a brat :)

navin.pinto said...

hi sam, glad to hear you are doing well. my guess is that you lost your ng tube. but where did it go? everyone at comer 6 is sending you positive vibes. keep kicking butt.

dr. pinto

ps gustave is wearing a purple bow tie today.

Unknown said...

Hiya! Joseph from IWT again. The mowhawk is rockin. Here are some pics from when I had a blue mowhawk, I hope they amuse you as much as they amuse me!


Anonymous said... have eyebrows? You are CUTER (if that is even possible).

Anonymous said...

no nose tube!!! I think Dr. Pinto got it first...but hes or she is a doctor come on.

Nancy said...

Hi Sammy

It's so nice to see that you have not lost your sence of humor.
You look beautiful, no matter what hair style you choose to have.

Tell you parents hi for us!

Nancy & girls

Unknown said...

Hey Sam!
Yea...good one...can't come up with the difference...I am never good at these things!!! But I'll take a guess...the nose tube.
Keep happy, it's the key to your success!
xoxo bunches!!
Mr. & Mrs. Sanders
Becky and Eri

Cameron Hepburn said...

Keep fighting Sam! Sounds good!

Anonymous said...

Sam, I know what you're thinking, and yes... it is me who has been paddling out to the ocean to expand the hits on your map. I'm also working on family and friends in various places around Europe and/or Botswana. (You're welcome.)

hahaha ok but more seriously, I noticed the tube and brows immediately! Do I at least get brownies??

Thanks for the seat (lap),

Anonymous said...

actually, it was more of a lavender

Laticia said...

Hey Sam-
We all miss you here in Chicago. I give up I can't figure out what's diff.

Love ya