Friday, September 19, 2008

Boy was I spoiled

Hey everyone... so we're here- we made it.  The med-vac was pretty exciting.  Besides the first ambulance drivers we had that strongly reminded us of cab drivers we had a smooth ride.  It took a while up in the room to get settled into their stretchers and switch pumps and so we finally left the Chicago hospital around 11 or so.  We were ambulanced to Midway and took a small jet (the picture above) to Miami.  Then again took another ambulance up to this hospital.  It was pretty crazy the day we left b/c we had been hearing rough news all day about how a bed wasn't open and we were going to have problems b/c my medvac was going to expire and trouble with insurance etc etc... and then 5 minutes later my nurse comes in and goes 'um... they found a bed!' It was pretty nuts.  So the transition here is very different from Chicago but I'm attempting to practice using all my patience to understand that things are done differently in different places and Comer 6 really is like no other.  My parents seem like they have a nice hotel they're staying at for now and soon my dad will start to get at looking at apartments or condo's or w/e we will be staying at long-term.  We're hoping that they get me on the list soon, and everything will get rolling.  Once I'm on the list its of course a guessing game to how long but hopefully and usually it doesn't take too long to get organs here in Miami.  There's no promises that it will be any time soon though.. you never know.  The transplant doctors always seem to be so busy here.. staying for 14 hour surgeries throughout the night and into mornings.  They sure work long and hard hours.  Once we hear any news about being officially approved, or getting on the list, or anything like that we will be sure to post.  For now, not too much new stuff is going on.  Thank you so much for everyone back home helping out with the family and puppy (um.. don't forget- her birthday is september 30th I expect a full party for her!)  So I'm going to keep on practicing patience here while adjusting to many many changes and hope that we get put on the list as soon as possible.

Lots of Love, 
Sammy and parents


Anonymous said...

Hi Sammy,
You are in my prayers each day that all the dots will connect soon! You have come a long way already. I am so impressed how courageous and strong you are. Hang in there and try to enjoy some good food this week :-).
Aunt Cara
p.s. cool jet!

1tuffcookie said...
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Anonymous said...

girls at home...when sam said "party" she meant just you three singing for the dog...nothing more. By "full" party, she was saying it would be ok to give her a treat maybe even buying her a chew toy. So get any of thoses thought of having a party in your mothers house, out of your head or I'll have Jenny start keeping a watch on you like she did on Sam :) love Dad

Nancy said...

Hi guys,

What a cool jet! Sammy keep positive thoughts, things will begin to fall into place,one step at a time. You are always in our prayers! Call if you guys need anything!
Love Nancy & girls

ps girls at home -- puppy party?
let me know when, I drop off Dakota for the party!

Uncle Joe said...


We are all praying hard for you each and every day up here. Everything happens as it should so easy does it. As a good friend of mine likes to say, "don't push the river, it flows fine by itself."

Keep the faith Baby!

Uncle Joe, Sharon, Daly, Aubrey & Anna

Aunt Amy said...


I am in awe of you and your family!

Remember to give your Dad a complete listing of your requirements for your "temporary housing" know, penthouse, panoramic view of the ocean, flat screen TV of at least 64", whirlpool, wii, furnished in your Mom's exquisite taste......all very necessary for your complete recovery!

Love you. Always thinking of you.


Al P said...

Sammy, I don't know you personally, but feel I know you anyway from all the wonderful comments from Kevin and his family. I was married to Kevin's Grandmother, Lucy, so got to hear a lot about you. You are in my prayers every day. I'm so glad to hear insurance is going to help. That is one worry off your folks minds and allows them to concentrate more on their baby. Keep the faith and be aware that God can do all things and he is on your side....Al Pitts

Anonymous said...

Sammy, you are a true inspiration. Hang in there. You are destined for great things!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sammy!

I am glad your dad put some limits on Bella's birthday party. I want you to know that I do look forward to your 21st birthday party next Spring, and you guys can be as loud and as raucus as you want for as long as you want. Heal fast and hurry home.

Your Next Door Neighbor, Steve