Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hey all.  So the chemo effects are startin to kick in a little more.  I'm always tired (slept in till 3 today!) and am pretty frequently nauseous so I've been laying low.  I forgot to mention along with the catscan on the 16th I'll also stay there in the spa (Special Procedures Area, not to get my hair done) and start day 1 of the new chemo round.  My counts a couple days ago weren't that horrible, which I'm not too sure if that's a good or bad sign to be honest.  We'll see soon.  Lots of love



Unknown said...


You are so encouraging for all your friends with your wonderful spirit. We're learning a lot from you! I'm glad you had a few days off to relax and build up some strength. Bella is probably really spoiled now!!!! I'll be thinking of you on the 16th and hope the scan is good and the chemo does its thing without terrible stress on you! I'm pulling for you every inch of the way and send you heaps of love from us all.

Mary F

Aunt Amy said...

Sammy C,

We must have just missed you...stopped by the hospital, but you had been discharged. This is a good thing, we hope.

Your Uncle Mikey is soon to be a fellow University of Chicagoer. Holy Crap....he will be right across the street. My condolences to you. Tell all your nurse buddies to be on the of those strange Wangler boys will be lurking about....
Love you.

Uncle Mikey and Aunt Amy

Lyndsey said...

Hi Sammy. I am happy to hear that you are getting some relaxation time before all the "fun" starts on the 16th. :) How is Bella doing? She is probably so big by now!

Big hugs and all my prayers,