Friday, February 1, 2008

Good News!!

So we finally got some good news!!  On Wednesday I went in for a catscan to check out how the tumors have been progressing since the 2 rounds of chemo.  Results were that all of the tumors have significantly shrunk- the chemo is working!!! We are super pumped!! I did however have to come back to the hospital Wed. night at 2 in the morning because of a high fever so we had to go into the ER.  The doc said it looks like from the cat scan that i have a kidney infection.  Also, i had a blood culture test result come back positive (thats the bad one) and so I'm being treated with antibiotics for that.  They're not positive if I have a kidney infection now or not because I'm not showing the signs of one, it may just be the bacteria thats in my blood.  So I'm going to be treated for a couple days with antibiotics for that.  I'm also getting a hemoglobin transfusion (as we speak actually) because that was borderline low.  My platelete count is the only one now that is not all the way back up, but that should be back up by Monday or Tuesday, so the plan is I'm just going to stay in the hospital and start the chemo instead of going home for just a day or what not since its so hard to get a bed anyways.  So even though this small stuff is annoying once again, in the big picture good stuff is happening, so its okay.  Thanks for everything

lots of love,


Aunt Amy said...


VERY good news...YES!!!...keep those positive things coming.

Love you. Amy

Cameron Hepburn said...

Hey Sam, I'm really happy to hear that your tumors are shrinking, that's such great news, and I bet the good news is going to give you a lot more motivation to stay strong about it and fight this whole thing off!

Your friend,


Bonnie Pettinger said...

AWESOME!!!!!! After many days of "stalking"as you call it, it puts a HUGE smile on my face to read your latest blog entry!

Keep up the high are in my thoughts always :)


Nancy said...

Hi Sam.

Just saw your dad at work this morning. He updated me. Great news about the shrinking tumors!!!
Keep up your great spitit and stay strong!
You are kicking butt!

love you
Nancy B and girls

Sadie said...

Hey Hey lady that is great news!!! You are kicking its ass!!! I think that Cassie and I are going to come and visit if you are feeling up to it but we will talk to you about it! She is coming in this weekend! Love ya!


jujuko said...

Dear Sam,

You don't know me but my father was a policeman with your dad for many years before he retired. I used to see you dad at Ravinia when I was an usher...oh so many years ago!! My dad forwarded me your blog and I truly admire your courage, strength and sense of humor throughout all of this. You are indeed one special girl and I look forward to meeting you in person soon!
The entire Schotanus family is thinking of you and agrees that you are one tough cookie! Please pass on a big hello to your family from us.
Hank, Pat, Brad, Kiki and Julie Schotanus

Unknown said...

Sam, here comes the upswing...I'm glad to see that all of the thousands and thousands of prayers and well wishes are finally surfacing!! Keep hanging in there, it will all work out fine, hopefully sooner that we think!
Love and kisses!!!
Bruce, Margaret, Becky and Eric

Uncle Mikey said...

Hey Samster,

By the time your done with this you will understand more about the human body than you care to. AND, you will know who the Real Stalkers are.

Uncle Mikey