Hey everyone.. its me. This is gonna have to be short and sweet because despite how much I talk in person on pain meds, typing is another story. Just wanted to write that surgery went well yesterday. When I came out of surgery my daddy actually gave me a couple pieces of good news so that was helpful. I was told before surgery I was going to have a tube sticking out of the side of my chest to help with who knows what... but anyways, I didn't end up needing it so I was sooooo happy. I was REALLY not looking forward to that so that was a good surprise. Also, my doc decided they were going to give me a little break at home before my next round of chemo. It was scheduled originally for the 9th, but that would be very hard on me physically and mentally to just go into chemo so soon again so I'm really thankful for a break. I can't wait to be home for a bit.. I MISS BELLA!! My dad also said best of all they didn't think it was tumors in my lungs affecting my breathing, we're hoping for just some silly little infection. Lastly, my alpha pheta protein markers have dropped, which may be a sign that the chemo is working and the tumors are shrinking!! :) This is about all I can type, this is way tricky on pain meds. Also just wanted to say thanks for the visitors, its really nice. The hopsital here is great tho, but being up here they try and limit visitors so try and not come in big groups, b/c its really hard to get up. It's hard to get people up here on pediatric cancer, so try and let me know if you're going to visit so I can hopefully make sure a parent is here because then they can escort you up. Thanks so much for people who went to the mass that people organized thats really supportive and sweet so thanks to everyone involved with that. I hope this entry made sense.. lots of love
Hi Sammy,
This is your cousin Joe! I'm glad to see that they have finally been able to begin treatment. I know this must be a very difficult time but I'm glad to see you and your family are staying strong and handling it so well. All of you are definitely in my prayers! God Bless!
It was so good to hear from you...Uncle Mikey and I have been thinking about you constantly.
And glad to hear the good news from your Dad....keep those tumors 'a shrinkin'..and some time at home with your little Bella will be wonderful.
You are quite a gal! Love and kisses (and some big wet ones for Bella)
Hi Sammy!
Your update made wonderful sense- thanks for letting us know the good news and also to let us see your beautiful smile!
About the mass yesterday- Wow. What a touching display of faith and love for you, Sammy. You have an AWESOME community of friends that love you.
Hope to see you soon..at home:).
Lots of Love, Lara
Hi Sam!
So long time no talk. I've really been missing camp lately and have been thinking about you lots! I heard you got a puppy (Bonnie has filled me in) how awesome...and I wanted you to know that you're on the top of my prayer list. Stay tuff! I miss you and the "Tweens"!!!
Sammy Sammy So Sammy Banana Bana Bo Bammy Fe Fi Fo Fammy, Sammy.
So I'm no Arlo Guthrie, and for those who don't know Arlo, he preceeded Bob Dylan back in the 19th century. But, Hey, it still works!
Hi. This is Tony's teacher again - Samantha Eiseman. I've been saying prayers for you and your family everyday. It looks like you have a great deal of people that care so much about you. All those prayers can only help you! Keep up your positive attitude. Sorry you are having such icky side effects from the chemo. Hopefully that drug that makes you sing will continue to help. You do look like Demi Moore when she was in GI Jane - like the nurses said! Pretty cute!
Hang in there,
Samantha Eiseman aka Miss Eiseman - Tony's teacher
Hi there Sammy,
I am so happy to hear the good news. You look wonderful.. I'm sure Bella (and your family) will be so happy to have you home.
Keep up your great spirit and fight
You and your family are always in our prayers....
Nancy B
Dear Sam,
This is Fr. Paddy Tyrrell, the priest who said the Mass ffor you as you were undergoing surgery. You are in our prayers all the time, and our Youth Mass today is being offered to beg God to bring you back to full health soon.
With my love, Paddy
Hi Sammy,
I am a good friend of Mary Falconer and she has shared your blog with us. I just want you to know that you are one brave and up-beat person, very cute too, I might add. I am a strong believer, as you are, that God is with us at all times and helps us through the very difficult challenges of life. So, just to let you know that I have been praying for you and will continue to do so on a daily basis. Nothing can separate us from God's love. I know that there was a special mass on your behalf. That is wonderful. So glad that you can go home for a few days before you start chemo once more. Many hugs and prayers to amazing you. Love from here, Suzanne Tressel
Your blog is great. You are a very good writer (obvious product of Glenview Dist. 34) and I loved seeing the picture. It is amazing how much you and Tony look alike, although I do not see the resemblance to Carisa. I hope I spelled that right; it has been several years.
We never met face to face, but I have to tell you that your little brother adores you. I cannot begin to count the number of stories he told me last year that began with, "my sister Sammy." So, even though we have not met I feel very connected to you through your family. My thoughts, hopes and prayers are with you!
Mr. Nudelman
Hey Sam,
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. You have plenty of people rooting for you and a tremendous will to get better. I just want to say that in first grade, Alex was all prim and proper in dresses and bows (she'll hate me for this). You, on the other hand, had the early "bring it on" attitude. You bummed around with KF and the boys. JV cried at the drop of a hat and you looked at him like he was nuts! I'll leave it to you to decipher this, but that same attitude will serve you well during these hard times. Snuggle up with Bella and stay strong.
love ya, dear --
Katrina (aka Ms. Klever)
Hey Sammy,
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and pray for you. You know I have bought my retirement home in North Muskegon, Michigan, and attended church up there two Sunday's ago. I put in a prayer request for you for the service I attended and all these people who don't know you or me said a nice prayer for you during the service. You're in my daily prayers also Sammy. You were such a tough athlete when you played basketball for Springman...I know that toughness will take you through this battle. Do you remember Katie's now famous "McDonald's shot"? Did I ever buy you guys lunch? Be good and do what the nurses say!!!!
Love, Coach Posner
Waiting to get your Einstein order!
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