Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hey its actually me!

Hey everyone, its Sam. I thought I'd write a little something something on here myself while I'm feeling up to it. My dad has been super sweet and awesome to do all those updates, but I was just thinking if I was something else I'd think.. uh oh.. sam can't even write on the blog... and she LOVES her mac. My dad was deffinitly on with everything he was saying.
In all honesty, the first 2 days here were real rough. They just didn't really figure out what to give me when and how much and everything to control my nausea and pain. But my awesome doc finally took charge and boosted me up with pleeeenty of diloded (sp?) and made sure that i was on more frequent anti-nausea medicines. Then i finally stopped getting sick for the first time since i got home, so my esophogas is finally starting to be able to heal from all the icky stomach acids that have been workin at it.
A problem I've had here though is my breathing, I've been on oxygen the whole time. Yesterday the docs thought that maybe some of the IV fluids leaked into my lungs (this can happen when you get a ton of IV fluids) and it was causing me to have shortness of breath. This to me sounded bad and I was all worried but apparantely they can give you this one medicine that makes you pee it out. I'm still confused how you pee out your lungs, but I guess that's besides the point. So they gave me that which made me pee very often and a lot (too much info probly) but I was still having some shortness of breath. They keep taking chest x-rays after they try different things to hopefully figure out whats going on with that. Just this morning one of my buddy resident docs here said its possible the fluid could have leaked lower down, which would just be another type of medicine to try and get it out again.
Last night on new years eve my parents came up which was so super sweet, 'cause I know the hospital is not the coolest place to be for that. I had my mom shave my head finally too. Don't worry, I'm not upset about this at all or sad, I was so ready for her to get her; who wants hair falling out everywhere yeck gross. So we shaved my head and i took and nice shower so I was disconnected from all cords for an hour and it felt so great I was moving around feeling awesome for a while until my body realized I haven't done that in about 3 weeks and I had to lay back down haha. I have been told by the nurses I got the demi moore look going on, so watch out, you might see shaved heads on girls everywhere soon, I'm kinda a trend starter. I'll be able to leave the hospital within the next few days hopefully, I have to be able to breathe normally,get my fevers down (its been fluctuating mostly between 100-102.5 while here) and eat basically. The nausea is under control for me now, but chemo causes you to get sores in your mouth, so you dont even really try to eat 'cause it doesn't work out. I know- sam- not eating? whaaaaat? I tell you this cancer does odd things to me.
This was an extremely long ramble (not as bad as in person when im on diloded I NEVER shut up) but I figure I would give some info right from the source here while I'm feeling up to it. I'm actually feeling totally fine this morning but my oxygen levels keep dropping which is a concern so we're working on that. The machine that beeps when my count drops will haunt me in my dreams forever because it is the loudest most obnoxious beep ever and doesn't stop until I either manage to get enough oxygen in me or the nurse comes and pushes the button. I guess this rambling needs to come to and end at some point so I'll leave you with two funny things that happened this morning:
#1.So we shaved my head last night, and I slept a decent amount through the night and when i had to go to the bathroom I push the button for the nurse and she helps me move the IV pole and all the tubes and all and when I got into the bathroom I was facing the toilet walking in and when i turned around and caught a look at myself in the mirror I made a weird noise and kinda jumped b/c i had totally forgotten I had no hair. It was pretty funny and gave myself and my nurse a good laugh.
#2. I went for a chest x-ray this morning and when they move me around the hospital i get wheeled in a nice chair and have to wear a mask 'cause no germies for me. I got to see a bunch of nurses at their station i was able to say hi to on the way and they could hear me talk, but other people in the hospital I didn't know I would just smile at you know, and nobody was smiling back and I was like man.. these people are rough. When we got down to the x-ray place the x-ray...tician...? was on the other side of the room and i gave her a huge smile with no return. I finally started laughing because i realized OMG DUH nobody can see i'm smiling at them I'm wearing a mask you idiot. The lady who was pushing me around got a kick out of that too.
Okay Sorry I wrote so very much I don't blame you if you used the 'skim' method I just thought I'd give you the update straight from me while I can. My dad's entries are a lot better, but gotta admit mine are kinda funnier (sorry dad). But I'm thankful he was writing them for me when I was not able. Thanks Daddy! Also thanks to everyone for the constant support it really means so much to me and keeps me going. We are on the road to killin this thing!!

lots of love, Sammy


Uncle Mikey said...

Hey Semi, the no hair thing is actually very cool, and maintenance free. No combs, brushes or jel. And never any bed hair.

I have some caps from my hairless days you can use.

Aunt Amy and I are coming back from Ohio and would like to visit, if you are up for that.

Keep smiling!

1toughcookie said...

Great storytelling! You're getting to be like your dad!!!!!
I'm glad they're taking good care of you and getting you home soon!

Good thing they think you're more like Demi Moore than Britney Spears. (ha ha).
It was funny when you said, "Oh My
Gosh, DUH!" I hope you're feeling better soon!

Alex said...

You had better be in this same rambling mood when I come tomorrow. And if you don't finally sing for me- you're in BIG trouble.

Love you

Uncle Joe said...

4:29AM??? What is this, new years day??

Great to hear from you Sammy. Now when I say sweet potato should I add head as a suffix? (suffix, like the big word?)

Sharon & I are pulling for you and love your spirit. That's 90% of kicking this things ass!

Happy New Year!


Aunt Amy said...


It was so good to hear from you.

Happy New Year....don't need to ask what your resolution is....KICK SOME MAJOR BUTT IN 2008! YES!!!!!!

Love you.

Nancy said...

Hi Sam.....

Happy 2008... Like your update...
Sorry you are having such a rough time. I have some bandanas if you would like them. Not only the maintenance like Uncle Mike said, very quick showers !! Sounds all you doctors and nurses are taking very good care of you. Hope you get home soon.
Keep your wonderful spirit!
Nancy & the girls ...

Coach Tedor said...

I heard you were sick from Kathy Kelly and Jaclyn. I've been following your blog for a few weeks now. Don't worry about shaving your head, you are now the height of fashion! That is definitely my unbiased opinion. Uh, did I mention that I shave my head too? I have a goatee too, but I don't think that would look good on you. On Halloween I have a gr8 costume, I just spray deodorant on it and go as an armpit... uh... nevermind. Seriously though, hope you get better soon.

Mary Ann Reardon Dilan said...

Dear Sam,

You don't know me, but I'm an acqaintance of your Aunt Mary's.

I have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer so can empathize somewhat with what you're going through. I read your blog regularly and am uplifted by your spirit!

Please know that you and your family are in my prayers every day. I live down in Florida--so you have prayers going for you from lots of places and from people you don't even know! I'm also having my little prayer group pray for you.

Keep up your great spirits. I've enjoyed reading your blog and the responses from your friends and relatives.

Best for 2008,

Mary Ann Reardon Dilan

Anonymous said...

Sweet Pea!

Tell Uncle Joe its not "sweet potato", its "sweet pea". He has his vegetables confused.

That's about all. OH, and, how could I forget. We miss you and love you soooo much it hurts!

Aunt Mary

Walstrom Family said...

Hey Sam,

Happy New Year! We are constantly thinking about you and your family. You are a strong young woman and we know that the cancer doesn't have a chance against a competitor like you! Thanks to you and your family for keeping us up to date with the blog. Keep your great attitude!

We can't wait to meet Bella!

Love from The Walstroms

Anonymous said...

I laugh out loud every time I read your blogs. Thanks for keeping us up to date! You're attitude is awesome! :)

Sadie said...

Hey Chika~
You rock let me tell you! Your attitude beats anyone in the world!!!! You are on your way to kicking this things ass like its goin out of style! Love you and miss you. I currently have a cold and cough so I dont think that you want me around but as soon as I am better you better believe that I am coming to hang for a bit!! (If you want that is). Talk to you soon hun!

Luv Ya