Monday, December 31, 2007

How I spent my Christmas vacation

Hi again everyone. I thought I would do another update for Sam. Sam has been admitted back at the UCH. The chemo side effects became too much for her overnight last Thursday and she was admitted early Friday morning. We were told to expect this between Chemo sessions. Beside the nausea, and associated pains, the chemo causes her blood counts to drop. When they get to low they create a whole new set of problems and concerns. The nurse’s told us to expect several of the many different scenarios that would bring Sam back to them. Fever and dehydration are two of the main ones. Sam had both. When her fever hits 101 (which is apparently common) the result is a ride back to the hospital for admission.
They also warned us about letting people visit her who may be sick with cold or fever. When her white blood count gets low (lowest usually 7 to 14 days after treatment) her immune system gets so weak that it is unable to fight off infections. Also anyone who recently has been vaccinated with any type of live vaccination must also avoid her. So people wishing to visit her (especially with children) weather at the hospital or at home please keep that in mind.
One of the ways to help restore her blood count is to give her a blood transfusion. Sam had a course of red blood cells (with seconds) yesterday followed by blood platelets today.
The blood transfusion is also to be expected between her chemo sessions. Once the counts get back up she will be ready to start the chemo process over again ☹

Anyways it took all of Friday and most of Saturday until they dialed in the right med’s for Sam to make her more comfortable.
Some of which was the drug “dilaudid”, which had the desired effect and got Sam to sing again. Dolly and I were laughing so hard at her song. After her song she went on and on about why she loves everybody. We should all be on that drug!
Sam is starting to feel better and should be home in a few days however if things weren’t bad enough she is now being forced to spend New Years Eve in her hospital room “with her parents”. We will send Sam everyone’s love. Chris

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hi Guys

Thanks for the uodate. Sorry that Sammy is having a rough time. (brings back memories) She will get thru this, hang in there. All of you are always on my mind.

Tell her you are going to record her songs and make a CD !!

Wishing all you Happy New Year!
Love you guys!