Friday, November 9, 2007

Doc's appt.

Today we had our appt. downtown with Dr. Cohn at univeristy of chicago. We thought we were about to finally hear whats up buuuut no. They decided last night the tissue they had from my biopsy wasn't sufficent enough for the pathologist to make a definitive diagnosis. That was a decent amount of big words in one sentence. Anyways, so I'm having surgery next Wed. at Univeristy of Chicago for another biopsy. It's gonna be a more extensive one this time so they get a bigger sample. I'll be under (thankfully) and they'll make a cut most likely, as well as put in a camera through my cuttle little innie-outtie belly button. They are saying that depending on what the Doc things about treatement at that point they might put in the port for chemo too since I'll already be in surgery. So.. all in all. still no answer. hopefully next Friday after the biopsy. thanks for all the encouraging comments and cards and everything from everyone its really a spirit lifter. lots of love


Uncle Joe said...

Hi Sammy,

Don't you love surprises? Keep your head up kiddo! They will figure this out soon enough. Better that they are being very very thorough than to rush to judgment. I have been told that U of Chicago is one of the best places in the country for cancer care so I am happy to hear you are heading there next week. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Later Sweet Potato Pie!

Uncle Joe

Anonymous said...

Hi Sammy! Want to hear something funny? I hurt my finger playing kickball on Tuesday night, and as the coach at my school was feeling all sorry me and taping it up, I said "It's all good, I'm a tough cookie", and that's the day your mom sent us the link to your page. For real! It's a sign. We are all totally sending you our thoughts and prayers from down here in Florida. Seriously, you've got prayers coming from all over the world. Love your blog! :) Miss ya!
-Cousin Cassie

Uncle Mikey said...

Hey Sammy,

Just think what these doctor guys did to me? I'm like the bionic man. They can do wonders.

I'll probably get in trouble for saying this, but, kiddo, you are HOT!

Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!

So now that you have this great blog all my friends are telling me what a darling special girl you are! Funny, creative, sweet....hmm. I think I'm missing a few but I'll run out of space!

About this nasty illness...we do not like it Sam I Am, we do not like it damn damn damn. We do not like it in your sox, we do not like it in a box, we do not like it in the house, we do not like it with a mouse, we do not like it -- no maam, we do not like it, Sam I Am!

Aunt Mary

dolce said...


First comment is that we are all thinking of you and praying for you (meaning my parents and my friends at school. The all met Alex the day that I fell like 15 times on an ice chunk...if your sis doesn't know the story call me and I'll tell you it's a good laugh). Second comment is I know you will make it through this, you have such a good attitude and are an amazing girl. Love you to death. If you ever need a funny story I also have a great awkward tale of my cat scan...involves a bra lecture from my doc.

You are amazing

Margarite Loew said...

Sam -
Got the link from Vanessa - probably because she was tired of my asking about you every day. I think the puppy is a great idea, but - as I told you last weekend - it'll be getting cold soon and a big screen TV doesn't need to be walked. Just think - Lost in hi-def! Ness will move in with you.
Anyway - I'm thinking about you daily and sending wishes for you to be well soon.
Hope to see you next week when the gang is all home.