Thursday, October 2, 2008

Celebrate Sammy

...Even though Sam is not out of the woods, and has to deal with all the transplant pain, and complications, we took a little time to celebrate what has happened.  We are so ecstatic the tumors have finally been removed.  As we've know from the beginning, the only chance for cure was to surgically remove the cancer.  After several failed attempts, this has finally been done!  Can you believe it?  The one thing the surgeons didn't remove was her sense of humor.  Last night with a tube down her throat, fighting pain and discomfort, she was still able to make us all laugh with the things she was writing down on paper.  Also, when we first saw Sam after surgery, she had requested, and was watching the cubs game!!!  (Well, sort of...)
When we saw Sam today, she was doing well, (other than a pneumothorax)
She asked us to make sure that her cell phone was charged for her when she gets it back. 
Sam is looking forward to reading all the blog entries when she is able.
Thank you everyone for everything.  Take some time out of your day and celebrate Sammy with us!   
Lots of Happy Love,  Dolly & Chris 


Anonymous said...

This is the greatest news! Ive had all my friends and family at home and at school praying for Sam! Stay strong Sam!

Madeline and family

Bayly 345 said...



Your friend,
Bayly Buck

Anonymous said...

So proud of you Sammy! You are absolutely amazing.

-Your friend from the middle of the ocean :)

Tony said...

Hi Sammy!
It's Tony just saying I love you. Bella is doing good. She loves her birthday presents, AND you. I can't believe the cancers gone! Okay, I love you. Bye.


Unknown said...


You are MORE than an inspiration...your story, how you have handled this...your courage...your strength...have only served to deepen my faith in have given us all so much...have taught us all so much...
Thank you for all you have taught me as I have followed your story...


Bonnie Pettinger said...


Such amazing, amazing news! You have been such an inspiration to me and have touched so many many people with your journey. It is a new beginning and impossible not to celebrate you! As you know, I am a blog stalker so I was well aware of what was going on...I checked right before work and have to say I was checking your blog while at work too :0! It was such an awesome feeling to read everything that was unfolding. It is a new beginning and I could not think of any other person that deserves it more than you!

Now make sure you take care of yourself and get better soon so we can have a puppy playdate, Addie needs some vet told me that my 6 month old puppy is "fat" (my word not hers, but that was basically her point) and that she needs to start eating adult dog food

You are always in my thoughts! Can't wait to see you back home!

Go Cubbies :)

Walstrom Family said...

Hope all is going well today...and that you can stay awake to see a little of the Cubs game tonight! You have touched so many people with your strength and your spirit! We are constantly thinking of you and your family!

John, Kathy, Dori & Melanie

Unknown said...

Great news!!! Yes, we will celebrate with ya and continue to send our love and prayers! We are heading to Iowa State for the weekend to see Becky and the celebrating will be grand with all 4 of us.
Love ya guys!!!
Bruce and Margaret
Becky and Eric

Anonymous said...

Not sure if you are receiving my postings because I don't see them. I am attempting again. We are all praying for you and so thrilled that you received a donor. I have a picture of you and Jaclyn in my kitchen and everytime I pass it I say a prayer for you. We would like to send it to you, so we need your address. Please let us know where to write. Sending love, prayers, and positive energy your way.
The Murphys
(Jaclyn's mom--you came to her banquet in March)

Nancy said...

We are celebrating!!! and so happy for all of you. We will have to get together and celebrate again when you get home!!! All of you are incredible! Your strength is unbelievable.. Have a good evening, enjoy the Cubs game.

Hugs and kisses
Nancy and the girls

Amanda said...

I am so glad to hear Sammy is doing well. Continued prayers. :)

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!!!!! What good news, Sam! I have been checking your blog all day long for more news. Enjoy watching the Cubs tonight and then rest and recover! I am thinking of you all the time. Thank God for your donor and his/her family for their loving donation, too.
Sue Lindsley

Anonymous said...

You are truly an inspiration to us all-Mara hooked me into your blog and I check it twice a day. You're on my prayer list and I celebrate your wonderful being!
One day I'd love to meet you in person-
Much love ,
From the Mother of"your friend form the middle of the ocean"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are no words to truly express what you and your family have demonstrated to all of us who know you and even don't know you during your struggle. You and your parents have so exemplified how determined, focused and strong the human spirit coupled with your faith can be...we know you have heard this often, but Sam we celebrate you. You are a very special young woman.Let's declare it Sammy Cipolla Day around the world!

Anonymous said...

You are truly an angel on earth that was put here to teach us how to appreciate what we have everyday. this truly is a day to celebrate. Get better the cubs need you BAD!!!

Love to your mom

Cathy Carroll

Rita Maar said...

Dear Cipolla fam..

This is so great news !!
We are following your blog and thinking of you all a lot, here in Denmark..

Love from
Vagn and Rita Maar

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, this wonderful news will make everyone (who has not yet) think seriously about the gift of organ donation. God bless you Sammy and family as you heal and recover. You are on our prayer list at church. We all send you our love - Judie

Anonymous said...

Sammy, you are amazing!!... an inspiration. There have been peeps down in Texas following your story and will continue to send love and prayers -- and we pray BIG down here in Texas :).

Your blog entries are always so genuine. I love hearing about your sense of humor and seeing your totally unselfconscious videos and photos. Your attitude and the way in which you and your family have dealt with all of this have challenged me to examine my own attitudes about life. Quite a standard you have set. Keep it up!

Love to your mom and dad, too.

Anonymous said...

Everyone at Comer had big smiles on their faces and the fellow Bob even gave a few high-fives as the news was spread that you got your new cancer free organs and were out of surgery doing well!! Miss you friend. Keep up the good fight and the craziness that you are.

Anonymous said...

Sammy weve been praying for you and we hope you know that the hoogland's hearts and spirits are always with you. Can't wait for some help in the kitchen when you and alex get home.
-Mrs. H and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Sammy and family - My dear friend, Cara, has told me a little bit of your story. I was thrilled on your behalf when she emailed to say you were approved for the surgery and, even more of a wonder, that you had already been scheduled for surgery. I hope that the family who lost a loved one is comforted in some small fashion to know that their love will live on in you.

Bless you and your family - and stay strong, keep fighting.

Jeanmarie Kapp

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam!
This is Bianca! I want to celebrate with you when you get back. I miss you and want to play with you and Bella!


Anonymous said...

Dear Sam, We do not know each other, and maybe we will never even meet, but a fmily that loves you so very much reached out to their extended family and asked that we pray for you; so I have done so. How lucky we all are that you are doing so well. I continue to pray for your recovery. Sam, you have made a positive mark on so many people through your strength. You should be quite proud of who you are. May you always be well and continue to flourish your whole life long. May God bless you and your family, and the families that so unselfishly helped you. My love to you always.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well! You really have made me look at live in a whole different way now (for the better) Thanks! Love you and keep us posted
Love Aubrey