Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Finally...Sammy went in a few minutes after midnight.  We were told that it is approx. a 14 hour surgery.  She handled the whole day with courage and laughter.  When we asked her what could we do for her, the answer was always "you can give me a back rub if you want"
We were told by the surgeons to go home and rest.  Sam will need our strength tomorrow.
lots of love,
Dolly and Chris


Anonymous said...

Good Luck - our prayers and best wishes are for Sammy and a very successful operation. This is such fabulous news!!! I am so excited that things are happening so quickly for you since you got to Miami.

Thank you for keeping all of us updated.

Cynthia, Christopher,
Chris, Katie, and Kelly

Amanda said...

You are all in my prayers and my thoughts. What an answered prayer that this all happened so quickly. Positive thoughts for you! :-)

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, as they have been for these many months. Your hope and courage -- and Sammy's --are unbelievably inspiring. Stay strong. Love, Marty

Anonymous said...

My Mass down here in Saint Louis will be for Sammy in just a few minutes. Blessings!
Fr. Meconi, SJ

Anonymous said...

Our hearts and prayers are with you all constantly at this time. Gods hands are wrapped tightly around you all.
Our love, Debbie and George Hepburn