Today Sammy is awake and aware....but she asked me to help her write this (basically I write this, and then she goes and changes it all- yeesh). They gave her a stimulant to help counteract all the other stuff they were giving her which was basically making her unconscious. Its really helped. Everyone keeps telling her the strange things she was saying and doing. You also may have noticed her last blog attempted...well she just fixed it...oops. And she wanted to say sorry to those of you she may have called at 4 in the morning. She's had no sense of time. As Steve Martin in The Jerk would say, "4 days seemed like 1 day, and 7 days ..felt like 2 days." She cant believe she's now been here for almost 2 weeks. She says it feels like about 3 or 4 days. Anyways things are really moving now. She's undergone numerous tests today and has been scheduled for a lot more on Monday. The plan is that she will be using medevac to get to Miami ( Lear or Gulfstream ) on Tuesday or Wednesday to finish her evaluation. If Dr. Tazkis in Miami thinks he can still do his thing, then insurance company sounds like THEY WILL APPROVE THE PROCEDURE!!!! YAY! So it could happen fast. She may not even get to go home before Miami, she may go straight from U of C. Once in Miami, its just waiting for the organs- which should happen fast. When you're on the list for a multi-organ transplant you to right to the top :) - yipee! So coincidentally an episode of my favorite (this is Sam now of course) show Spongebob is on and it's about Roller Coasters so I see this as a perfect time to finish. I hope that everyone has a good week, and will have a great weekend-from the both of us!
Lots of Love,
Sammy and Chris
Hi guys
Great news!!! I will keep all you in my prayers and thoughts. Have a safe trip to Miami. Wishing you nothing but the best.. Sounds like things can get real crazy and move fast. Keep in touch. Call day or night if you need anything!
We love all of you !!
Nancy and girls
OMG...great to hear! We are breathing a little quieter now. You are always in our thoughts and prayers, remember that!
Bruce and Margaret
Becky and Eric
That's the best news we've heard in a long time. We'll be thinking of you and praying for you every step of the way. Keep us those good spirits and keep smiling. This is the beginning of some great news. We're with you in spirit.
Much love,
Mary and John
Hey Hey Samster,
We always knew you were a
jet-setter. We'll be thinking of you Monday as I Spank the pants off of your other uncles at the Little Sisters Golf Outing.
Uncle Mikey
We are so HAPPY to hear this great progress is being made. Sam you are a trooper so hang in there. We hope to see you in Miami...."don't worry about a thing cause every little thing is gonna be alright." Dr. Tzakis is the BEST.
Marcjana,Pat, and Caroline
I've been keeping up with your blog for some time now. I am so happy to hear you are on your way to Miami. I wish you the best of luck while there and will be waiting for a good update! Best of luck and lots of prayers.
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