Monday, September 29, 2008

How about a better update?

So after we did the update this morning we got some more updates that are long overdue...



We are sure plugging along the path towards a back to good Sammy.  My Nonnie who recently passed sure is looking out for me (Happy Birthday Nonnie- love you, love you, love you).  Also Happy Birthday to Gia! My parents have been so great here I can't even tell you.  They will walk across fire for me if my gatorade is on the other side and I'm thirsty.  If they weren't them- I wouldn't be here.  Well.. here here.. you know what I mean!  So I gotta start getting myself 'pumped' for this.  When I was going to have those other surgeries I was not scared or anything because I kinda tricked myself into being excited.  I gotta do that again, though I'll admit I'm not yet.  It's scary knowing that NOW I can get the call anytime to come get a surgery that will change my life.  But do what you gotta do right?  That's what Nonnie always said!  When its time to play you play, when its time to switch out 5 organs- YOU SWITCH OUT 5 ORGANS!  Why hurt yourself? :)  Today when I was getting some labs drawn (and by some i mean 15-20 tubes filled AGAIN.. those friggen vampires) I chatted with 2 different post liver-transplant patients.  The first man I talked to I said I was put on the list today and he said he got the call the DAY AFTER he was put on the list.  Crazy!  The second woman (also liver) got her call 11 months after she was put on the list.  There are things that go into account like urgency with your health and things.. but see you never know.  With me.. I go to the top of the list, I'm urgent... it's gonna be fast.  We're thinking this week or next.  It's gonna all happen so fast.  The only thing thats not gonna go fast is how my parents will feel during my 10 hour surgery.  I know that's going to be nerve-wrecking.. but Dr. Moon (my transplant doctor I see everyday that loves me) said the surgery is the easy part.  Rejection afterwards is where you run into complications.  Once I'm out I'll be in the ICU a couple days and pretty much out of it and sleeping, with pressure cuffs on my legs to keep the blood flowing.  After I'm moved the the transplant floor (where I was before) and this will be the roughest part of this whole process.  You endure pain that reduces after 2-3 weeks, but you do have it for a while.  During this time I unfortunately can't be cuddled and spoiled in bed.  You have to get your naked hospital butt that is enjoying the breeze from your un-tied hospital gown (don't you wear gowns to like... balls?) and walk around.  You walk and walk 'till you're crying and then when you get back you sit in the chair not lay in the bed.  My parents will probably have to physically lay in the bed so I can't because I do love laying down.  It will get easier after those first 3-4 weeks and the more I work hard the sooner I'll get out (assuming I have no post-operative complications).  I love everybody so much and the support I get from EVERYONE (including all you facebook messages that I am slow at keeping up with.. but thank you with everyone you know who you are) is sooo helpful.  I can't tell you how much you all mean to me.  

Love you, Love you, Love you-


Anonymous said...

I am left speechless after reading your blog - thank you for opening your heart and sharing this ordeal with your family and friends. Nonnie also was very brave, and would be so proud of you. Tom & I love you too Sammy!

Aunt Cara

Cameron Hepburn said...

YESS SAM!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Best of luck with your surgery, hopefully you aren't waiting too long!

Anonymous said...

Sammy - I have been reading your blog for months and this is just the best news. Thank you for sharing...and great picture of you with the fire-walking parents. I'll be praying even harder for you now..if that is possible. Hang in will be doing cartwheels on the beach soon.

Nancy said...

I don't know what to say. As I was reading this at work, tears just started rolling down my face because I am so happy for you. And yes Nonni is watching over you!!

Sammy you have shown so much strength and courage thru all this. Soon you'll be on the road to recovery!

All our love
nancy & girls

Unknown said...

Sammy, that's great news. You've worked so hard for so long. With over 42,000 hits on your blog (at last count), I know that everyone of them, like us, join in prayers for you and love for you and your family. Yes, Nonnie is definitely pulling some strings up there. Keep up your great spirit and determination, and you'll be feeling much better soon. Our deepest love to you and your mom and dad.

Mary & John

Anonymous said...

Sam and family...
We are so excited for you!!!! Way to fight and win!!!! Our prayers have definately been answered and we will continue to pray even harder now. You are so strong and positive and have fought hard for so long...only the best will come to you. We have never met Nonnie but heard great stories about her. If she is anything like you, we know she was an amazing women with lots of courage (and a great sense of humor) Our love to you,
Debbie & George Hepburn

Anonymous said...

soooo excited and happy for you!!! your story is an inspiration!

Unknown said...

This is it and it is so great...the surgery and recovery will be tough, but you will DO IT because you are such a special person, ya korny I know, but truly you are!! Your attitude is always so upbeat and that is what will get you thru this ordeal. My crystal ball says we will be laughing and joking soon as to how easy the recovery was. Ya, korny again! We love you and your family so much and we continue the prayers and strong thoughts your way.
Bruce and Margaret
Becky and Eric

Anonymous said...

That's AWESOME news!!! I am totally amazed by you, your strength and positive outlook. We are praying for you and wish you the very best of luck!!

Betsy (Jeff's sister)

Anonymous said...

Sam! Your blog made me so happy! I keep up with this every chance I get and Alex Morgan text messaged me today informing me about the surgery! I knew this would all work out, you have always been the strongest person I know! Stay strong and YAY!!!

My family and I will be thinking and praying for you!


Anonymous said...

SAM! You are the highlight of my day. That post has been the most amazing thing I've read in the last few weeks or so. I can't wait for the next post that says you're on your way for surgery--this is craziness.

You're incredible, kiddo. You've come so far and you're still that amazing tough cookie. This is the beginning the end, love...the beginning of the end!

I am so happy to hear the news! SO HAPPY!

With my love,

Anonymous said...

I am a fireman in the south suburbs and found out about your blog thru a flier for your benefit. I just wanted to let you know that you are a true inspiration. I find myself checking for updates, on a complete stranger, almost daily. Just from reading the blog, I can tell that you are a strong, smart, and extremely funny person. With a great family and friends. You are surrounded by more friends that you will ever know. Good luck with everything in Miami, Be Strong and know you have literally thousands of people thinking and praying for you and your family. (even on the Southside!!!) Good Luck, God Bless you and Go Sox!!!