Hey everyone.. so I'm back at the hospital again. Chemo kicked my butt as usual, but I don't think I'm going to be here long at all. My fever has already stopped (thats what brought us in) and I'm getting transfusions so my counts are on their way back up. So I'm thinking maaaybe tomorrow, or the next day I'll be back home. I'm not feeling too bad either, so its not too rough at all. Just wanted to let everyone know where I was at.. I'll post up when I get home! lots of love
p.s. I'm in 616 again which is an awesome room (best view on the whole floor) it's one of the huge end rooms, its not the amazing 614 with the shiny blue floor in the bathroom, but I'll survive without the blue tile floor. :) Amazing skyline view and if i ever wake up at like 4 or 5 I actually stay up to watch the sunrise 'cause its so neat here. That sounds really dorky of me.. i watch the sunrise.. i also enjoy barefoot walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and i pray for world peace.. yeeeesshh
p.p.s. i tried to add a picture on here that i took with my computer of the skyline... it doesn't look so cool on here.. it makes the buildings look small, but just use your imagination. In real life they look much bigger and its neater, but at least you can have an idea :)
Hi Sam,
I agree...great view!! And, glad the chemo is kicking your butt, well actually I'm glad cuz it's gonna kick it right out of you!!! Think of you every moment of every day...prayers included!!! Seriously, we love ya a whole bunch...keep the faith!
xo xo
Mrs. Sanders
Hey Samster,
Fe Fi Fo Fum, where in hell is that Uncle Bum. Right here honey.
Aunt Amy is back in town for a couple of weeks. I'm sure she'll send you a note.
Uncle Mikey
Hi Sammy,
Yes, I am back in Batavia for awhile to play nursemaid to my lovely husband.
And while I have an audience of 17,643 people...does anybody want to buy a charming two story colonial home set on three quarters of an acre in Batavia Illinois? Nope, didn't think so...
Hope that you are back at home, feeling dandy and getting many, many kisses from your Bella.
Love you...and kisses from us, too.
Amy and Michael
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