Hey everybody! I wanted to thank my friends from Friday, and all the other friends and family that came out on Saturday to wish me a Happy Birthday. I was bummed on Saturday that I couldn't spend more time talking to people and being social. If it was my way I would have gotten to chat with everyone and enjoy a burger and sausage with each and everyone one of ya! I know I don't need to justify it, but I just wanted to explain why I seemed like I was crabby or ignoring people- I was in a ton of pain, and my fever got up to 102.6 so I didn't really have it in my to do anything but lay in my bed and go to sleep. I felt horrible not talking to people more, and even saying bye to everyone, but it was at least nice to see everyone's faces so thanks again for comin out. Also thanks to many people for very nice gifts, I feel very loved! I also have to give a GIANT GIANT thank you to my parents. They put in so much work and effort to make this a special weekend for me, and they were right on. It was all I could have asked for and more, sorry all you suckers, but I got the best parents in town!! ....So now plan is surgery on Wednesday.. it's a very long surgery and I'm not whose going to be in charge of the blog for a while (I'll be in la la land and it won't make sense) but I'm pretty sure Alex most likely will either be able to put up something short that night that I'm allright, if not the next day. Hopefully I don't give out phone calls like I did last hopsital stay where I was too drugged up, I think I'll make them hide my phone this time. The plan (which can always always change) is ICU for a couple days, and then in the hopsital recovery floor for probably around 2 weeks. I'm not going to be in my same building as usual because my surgeon is not in peds. So I'll be in another building, but I guess I'll be okay without my nurses 'cause I probably won't know what's going on anyways! Ok well thanks/sorry/love you all/see ya half a pancreas later!
as always- all my love
Yes, your parents are VERY SPECIAL people.....and so are you.
We will be thinking of you on Wednesday...and sending many, many good thoughts and prayers your way.
Love and kisses.
The Kling Family
Sam and the rest of the family
You guys are great! Saturday was wonderful! It was so nice to see everyone. You guys are amazing with everything going on,you manage to put on a great party on Saturday. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers, you will be in our prayers on Wednesday.
Nancy Brit & Niki
Good luck with the surgery tomorrow! I'm sure things will go great!
Anna Wangler
Sammy, you're in our hearts and prayers. We'll be thinking of you on Wed and thereafter, and hope all goes well. You're a special and very loved girl, so tell that pancreas to look out because big changes are coming! Keep fighting and we'll be with you in spirit.
Mary & John F
We'll be praying for you tomorrow. Good luck. You're a strong girl.
Becky, Bernie, & Eddie
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