Saturday, May 31, 2008

Last Day Hopefully

Hey everyone! yes... again.. i know, frustrating.  My dad has already explained most of the story for me so I don't really have much to say myself.  I just thought I'd get up here and give the most recent update I can and let everyone hear from me so you know I'm doing all right too.  We went with our old 3 day chemo round that we would have been scheduled for, and It's weird timing, it actually starts at 1am, which works out for me.  I sleep through it and it really isn't a problem at all.  I'm not doing bad now, I am usually fine when I'm literally getting the chemo, it's the after-effects that get me.  My fever is gone also, so that's nice. The only thing that might cause a bit of a obstacle is the pain medicine that I'm on yet again.  My right shoulder is in bad pain when my liver is acting up, which we all now know it has been.  My right shoulder has been in a lot of pain, but the past 2 days have been fine b/c I've been on the continuous pain pump when I can even push the button to get more if I need it.  Fortunately I haven't had to push the button, which will make it easier to get off of it.  Dr . S and I have come up with a plan to get off of it before tomorrow so I can go home once I'm done with my chemo.  I am so so so happy to get see Bella, my heart broke when I heard how much she cried when I left.  She is turning into such a smart dog, she knows when I'm leaving for the hospital for a while, and when I'm leaving just to go out for a little bit.  She even ran down the stairs to go be with Alex when I left and she's afraid of the the stairs, but she ran down there to lay in Alex's room when she was so upset.  I'm excited to go play with her, be with the rest of the family, enjoy Mom's home cooking and spend some quality time with my new mario kart wii :)  Talk about addiction.. wowza that game is fun! :)  So In a couple weeks we'll get a cat scan to see how this chemo affected my liver tumors because we need to get those well under control before surgery so it's still a likely possibility we go in for a very different approach with another kind of chemo before we go in for surgery again.  So.. for now, gonna try and get off these pain meds, hope my liver tumors are gettin their butt kicked, and I hope Bella is getting ready for some big cuddle sessions with her mommy :)  And to my mommy- sorry, but I think the big poochie is gonna have to sleep in my bed tonight whether I have to sneak her or not. And if you say no we'll have to see if I can git in her crate with her! :P  Just kidding, I don't think THAT would work out.  Also- thanks to my friends, parents, and sister that drove out here to see me, I have the best support ever.  I should be able to have more people visit me once I'm at home.  It's hard for me to keep in my head everyone who wants to visit, so gimme a text, don't be insulted I can't remember who wants to come when!  Anyways, Alex is here to play with me, so we're gonna play and I should be back sometime tomorrow. Thanks for the constant support as usual!  All my love



coach cichowski said...

Hi Sam
Just want to say hello and let you know were thinking about you sounds like you will be home soon and hope to talk to you then good luck and fun with bela

AZLASS said...

Hi Sammy,
I have been reading your blog. Your Dad's first cousin was Buddy and I am his wife, Nancy. I loved your Grandma Cipolla. You have her same spirit and the Italian pizazz. It will take you far. Thinking of you; Nancy from Arizona.

Squinting2C said...

Dogs fix everything. Sleeping with Bella is vital to your ability to fight this thing. They have special powers.