ooooh boy does it feel good to be home! And be able to write full sentences and make sense and not fall asleep while talking, etc... haha that was a rough couple weeks my apologies to everyone I called or tried to talk to online and made NO sense. Alex informed me I gave her many 4 am phone calls involving very interesting topics that are unfortunately not going to be discussed on the blog. ;) Bella was sooo happy that I came home... we kinda kiss a little bit.. thats not weird right? okay.. just making sure :) So I'm still kinda tired and recovering but being home makes everything much better and easier :) Surgery is going to be pushed back a bit because we weren't expecting these rough weeks, so I need some time to recover before I go into surgery. Maybe around the 16th or so...Thanks for the constant support as usual. ya'll are the best!! lots of love
That's what dogs are for...many, many kisses and lots of cuddling....you both deserve it!
Glad you are home....time for some rest and rejuvenation..
Love you.
Hey Sam!
Mr. Karlovsky here. I hope you remember me. I just want to let you know how happy I am that you're fighting the fight and doing it with such a sense of humor. I keep reading your blog and get updates from Mrs. Huebner. We're all supporting you in the GBS Math Department!
Now get some rest.
Joe Karlovsky
Heh Sam,
So great to see you are back at home...yup...it's the Deom Family...we finally figured out how this blog thing works...We're one of the regulars...checking in on you and your family and keeping you in our positive thoughts and prayers. You're one of the neatest people we've ever met and we know you are gonna kick butt just like you always do. Lots of fun memories of you and your family and lots more to come...Bella is gorgeous! So glad you are back home!
Hey Sammy!
I'm glad to hear that you're home! You and Bella are adorable!!!
Anna Wangler
Dog kisses fix everything. Just ask my dogs!
Just ask Monica and Michelle about their mother's ability to write, talk and e-mail while she 'thinks' she is awake but is really catching a few winks! They still don't have my credit card so I guess I can still think while under the influence of...lack of sleep!
So happy you are home and getting the RR needed and lots of doggie kisses helps tons!
Love you,
Mrs. R
Hey Samster,
Home again, home again, jiggidy jigg!
We'll All be thinking of you next week. And then we'll All have a Party!!
Uncle Mikey
So glad you get to spend some time at home Sam!! Enjoy and rest up!!
:0) Meghan Fahey
Sammy, keep blowing everyone away...you rock sister.
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