Friday, April 18, 2008

Softball Day

Hey everybody! Sorry this isn't a video haha, I see the last was quite popular, but as I just woke up and look like a zombie I think it's better for everyone if you can't see me right now.  I was just putting up a post for a couple reasons- 1. the chemo round went fine as usual, starting to get to me but I'm trying to stay active while I still can. 2- GBS  (my old high school) and the people there have been really awesome and made this 'sammy day' tomorrow during the games they play.  It's at the varsity softball fields at GBS (off Phingsten and Lake) and I think they're gonna have 3 games played.  They're having the school choir sing the national anthem at like 8:45 or so, and then theres games at 9, 11, and 1.  They're gonna be selling food and grilling out  all through there so yummy stuff to eat.  I think they're gonna be selling those tuff cookie bracelets and some t-shirts as well to my fund so it's pretty cool.  I'm gonna try and go out for as long as I can depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a great weekend. lots of love



Unknown said...

Hey hey Sam,

I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your softball day. But it is great to hear that chemo went well, and that is super-exciting news about the surgery being scheduled!

Best wishes,
Julia Kasper

Uncle Mikey said...

Hey Samster,

Uncle Mikey here. I am SOOOOO sorry I can't make it today, But I'll be thinking of you All day.

You're in my thoughts, Always.


Squinting2C said...

It was fun seeing the softball games as I walked by. I confess I never went to any. I was always at the soccer games in the next field, county or PLANET as it seemed like... but I heard about the softball games. Sometimes I could see them in the distance.

Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!

So sorry you are back in the hospital feeling so aweful, sweet pea!!

My friends were at the Pope's mass praying their hearts out for you!

Hurry home because Bella is coming home this week!

We love you sooooo much!
Aunt Mary

Iman said...

Hey sam!!!
Omg so i totally just was looking through all of these WAYY old pictures and i have sooo many pics of us from like first grade at my birthday party lol good times...i'm seriously gonna hafta scan them and upload them all onto facebook ;-) i went to the softball game and got a suuuuper cool "tough cookie shirt" for me and my mom. they've become pretty fashionable everywhere!
On another note I just wanted to let you know that my family and I are all praying super hard for you. And I am sooo glad to hear about the surgery! Your always in my thoughts. Love you!


Aunt Amy said...


Clueless where has Bella been?

Sure hope that you're feeling better and get to return home soon.

Kisses. Amy