Saturday, February 16, 2008

not Quite what i had in mind..

So when I got my blood taken at home on Valentines day and my counts were called in later in the afternoon they decided I needed to come in because everything was too low.  So around 3 Thursday I came into the ER and got up on the sixth floor around 11 or so but at least I came to the 6th floor.  I had a fever but its gone now, and so thats a good thing.  I'll just be here hopefully a few days.  I have to get some transfusions and stuff and make sure I dont have any positive blood cultures again.  I've gotten pretty lucky nursing wise as usual so that's been great.  So hopefully just a few more days and I'll be back home again good as new.  

Lots of love



Uncle Mikey said...

Hey Samster,

SO, are you racking up the frequent flyer miles or what?

Nancy said...

Hi Sammy,
Sorry to hear about your counts..
I'm happy to hear things are on the up swing. You are lucky to get the nurses you like.

Nancy B