Sunday, February 10, 2008

lets have a break from boring medical news

I thought I'd put something up that doesn't have to do with tumors or the hospital, b/c i dont know about you guys- but im getting sick of that stuff. i thought i'd share with you how big my 'puppy' has gotten. i swear she's more gigantic every time i come home and i can't believe it. we struggled to take some pics together today so here they are.. 
lots of love


Margarite Loew said...

Sam -
I bought the bell-ringing story, but really struggled to believe the part about Bella's sitting patiently on the mat to have her paws wiped. The Bella in the picture is the puppy I know. Glad you're getting to enjoy each other again. Can't tell who's happier to see the other - you or Bella.
Love & cyberhugs,

David said...

I'm not sure if you received my earlier email. My name is David Stark. I've coached Titan's fastpitch. I've coached with Kathleen Christall and used to watch you guys play at GBS. My daughter Maddy is a Freshman at GBS and hopes to play. I saw your story and have been reading your blogs. Just wanted you to know that you are an inspiration and my family is praying for you to have a quick and full recovery. I know you will beat this and we will be seeing you at some GBS softball games soon.

David Stark

Anonymous said...

Sam I Am! My friend Sr. Joseph Andrew is struggling to post on your blog and asked me to put this on for her. (she and her whole convent have been praying like crazy for you and follow your blog and your progress constantly.) Of course I don't say " she is kicking ass"...instead I say, "well....Sister, our Sammy is doing very well!!!"

"Hi hon!

I'm not sure which one is cuter -- you or Bella! But one thing for sure, for the hair you might have lost, Bella MORE than makes up for yours too!!

Love ya! Praying for you like crazy -- and asking that you keep me in yours as you are surely VERY close in the Heart of Christ!

love and prayers -- God bless! :)

Sister Joseph Andrew, OP !!"

Nancy said...

Hey there Sam,

I can not believe how big Bella is... First the ringing of the bell then she waits to get her paws wiped. I will be sending Dakota to you for some training!

Love Nancy
PS.. you look good!

Allan said...

Sammy, you've touched more lives than you know . . . in a positive and inspiring way. I'm proud to be sort of related, the husband of your grandmother JoAnn's sister, Dorothy.

And Bella! That's going to be a BIG dog. And, as you describe her, a very nice dog.


Unknown said...

Hey, there Sam,
We just wanted to say hi, welcome back home, and we think Bella is ADOREABLE!! We're rooting for you, and look forward to seeing just how big that dog's gonna get.
Kim, Kendra, Briana (Oliver) and Mike (Cherry)