Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Couple Days at home

Hey everyone!  So I have a few days at home here before the next round.  I go in next Monday for round 4.  Woah.. round 4.. its going by faster than I thought!  The last visit to the hospital was a pretty easy one too so I'd say lately I'm not too bad.  The fundraiser is this Friday and I'm gonna try and come for a little bit, so I'm excited to see everyone!  I realized I should have mentioned last post Alex is okay.. I'm sure you all know by now, but she wasn't on Campus when it happened she was at lunch, so she didn't have to have TOO scary of an experience.  She's also gotten me addicted to online hearts, which I should get back to :)  Here's a pic of me and a few of my favorite nurses who are the BEST. 
lots of love


Unknown said...

Have you hugged your IV pole today?

(ha ha. I love the photos- thanks for sending those).

I'm sorry I'll miss the fundraiser this weekend, but I hope to plan a trip to visit you sometime soon when you are feeling better. I know you will have plenty of company this weekend! Have fun!


p.s. tell Alex that I'm glad she was at Portillos that day instead of class... :-)

Brett said...

Why you giving Alex all the credit? I am the one who discovered online hearts so you can thank me for all the fun you have now. Hope to see you friday.


Becky said...

It's great to see you with a big smile on your face. Bernie & I are looking forward to seeing you on Friday night. Keep the positive attitude.

Cousin Becky, Bernie, & Little Eddie

Sadie said...

Hey Lady~

You are looking great and I am glad that you get to spend some time at home! Cant wait to see you all at the fund raiser!!!

Luv ya

Anonymous said...

Hey Sammy,

How about giving us the link to 'online hearts'?? (Okay Brett, you get all the credit!)

Aunt Mary

Aunt Amy said...


Your Uncle Michael tells me that when you throw a party, you throw a P-A-R-T-Y. Excellent!!!

Sorry I missed it...will be thinking of you this week.

Love to all. Amy

Nancy said...

Hi Sammy, Looks like you have some great nurses! It was wonderful to see you and your family Friday Night. What a great turnout! Good luck tomorrow, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

We love you
Nancy B and the girls

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

I just recently found out...and I wanted to let you know how sorry I am. I know because of chemo this is going to be a rough week for you, but I am sure that your amazing courage and positive outlook will pull you through it. Hooray for shrinking tumors! :)

Thinking of you,
Julia Kasper