Friday, December 21, 2007

hey all :)

hey everyone.. just wanted to let everyone know that im doing just fine here in the hopsital :) The first night I got 2 hours of chemo only and I actually did really well, i didn't have any side effects 'cause they load me up with anti-bad stuff for hours before. Then today i had the day to just rest and relax and wait for tonight to get started again, b/c I'm on a really weird schedule. I had some visitors today and it made the day much better :) At midnight I started my second dose of chemo and I've been on it for a few hours (am on it as we speak) and I'm feeling fine, all the anti-nausea and morphine and everything is helping and I'm doing okay. The room is really nice it has wireless internet (thus me being on) and cell phones work and everything so its nice. I've got a nice big tv with a dvd player and everything. The nurses are super nice being in pediatrics which is great. Well, just wanted to let everyone know I'm doing okay so far. Should be home on Sunday most likely. Lots of love..


Aunt Amy said...


Good to hear from you and glad that all is going well...we have been thinking of you.

Quite the high tech room! We probably would not even know how to use half the's hell being an old fart.

Love and kisses. Amy and Michael

Nancy said...

Hi there Sammy

I'm glad you are doing so well.
Sounds like a really great room!
We would like to come visit over winter break if you are up to it.

We love you and always thinking about you and your family!

Nancy and girls

Margarite Loew said...

Sam -
Glad to hear that you're not having a difficult time. Told you about the benefits of a big screen tv. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Bonnie Pettinger said...


I guess you could say I am one of your 'stalkers'...I love getting all of the updates!

I will keep my fingers crossed and hope that you are home this weekend.

We will have to Wii again:)


Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!

Tony, Carisa and Bella miss you very much! Hurry home, because Bella weeeeees first THEN rings the bell....5 times today! It is TRUE...a doggy only has one master!

We love you soooo much Sammy. ( :

Aunt Mary