Saturday, December 8, 2007


So Anderson did call last night, and take a wild guess- they dont know! They said they can't ID it yet, so we have to wait until Monday or Tuesday for them to call back. So treatement is held off once again, and the waiting game is on. YIPEEEE


Uncle Mikey said...

Oh Sammy I am I am! Don't you just feel so Special? My God! Keep your chin up kiddo.

There Will be a day when you can look back at all this and laugh about it.

Uncle Favorite said...

I'm on !!!!! Your computer illiterate uncle finally learned how to create a google account. (actually, aunt mary did it for me)
Aunt Jane says Hi! See you later.

Nancy said...

Hey Sam,

They will figure it out... Hang in there. I admire your spirit!
You will get thru this....

Love you,
Nancy B & girls

Unknown said...

We got an email from Jennifer Taylor about you girlfriend! Keep the faith! Stay strong and be positive! Happy thought, happy thought...laugh out LOUD! You're our famous 3rd base women what would we do without our star player! Go GTL and Jennifer yells in the outfield...LOL!!!!

You're in our prayers,
Dinah and Chris Tortal