Monday, November 19, 2007

Whats up

So I've been told that people are kinda freaking out 'cause i haven't posted anything lately.. sorry haha, just not too much new. I've been bumming around since surgery trying to recoop. Our meeting is Wednesday with a new doctor at University of Chicago who speacializes in pancreatic cancers b/c they are pretty sure that is what we are dealing with. So we will get some new news on Wednesday, hopefully some good news for a change. till then...lots of love


Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!

We love you sooooooooooo much!

We are all hoping and praying for some good news on Wednesday!

Aunt Mary

Jessica said...

Hi Sam,

I am praying that your treatment goes well and that you will be healed very soon.

I have everyone I know praying for your quick recovery :)

Your cousin Jessica

Bonnie Pettinger said...

Hi Sam!

Just letting you know that you (and your family) are in my thoughts daily :) I have people all throughout the state, some that I do not even know, saying a prayer.

Anytime you need to get out, I am up for a WII party...I have ben practicing and no longer get sore after playing! If you are still interested let me know when you are feeling up to it! I am around whenever--generally I work late during the week, but could ALWAYS use a reason to leave! I know it may be hard to believe that I do actually do work, especially considering that nasty award your sister gave me last summer! (Alex, if you are reading, that was for you :)
