Friday, November 30, 2007

Well they made up their minds

So the doc's have finally made their decision: my cancer can not be given a difinitive diagnosis. It's been to specialists around the nation and they're not able to figure it out. I always knew i was special.. they said its either this PNET or pancreatic blastoma. So the plan is on Monday i go in for surgery to get the port in, and the bone biopsy. Then tuesday I have a bunch of scans and cardiograms and what not, and I also am admitted Tuesday for 5 days to start my first hard-core dose of chemo. Since they dont know exactly which one it is, they're not really able to tell us what everything is going to like. Usually they can say here's your next year.. but for me they know- here's your next 2 months. Theyre going to try one of the chemo options (one of the cancers) and see how I'm reacting after 2 months. If that's working they'll keep it up, if not try the other way. They said I'll start losing my hair about 3 weeks from Tuesday.. but that doesn't really bother me. Everyone knows I'm not one to care about how my hair looks. rock on ponytails. So I'm going to enjoy this weekend before all this starts. I'll probably get a short cut this weekend, while I'm still up for it. Marlo and Pilar are also coming in so I'm going to enjoy their company. So I guess it's as close as we'll get to them figuring it out. At least the treatement is going to start so the ass-whooping can start. lots of love


1toughcookie said...

I'm glad we finally have the "go" to start the "ass whooping".

Hope your weekend plans include lots of fun, and eating!

Love you,


Uncle Joe said...

Sammy Baby!

So they finally figured out that they can't figure it out! What are they, a bunch of contractor's????

Good news anyway, now they have a plan to do some ass whooping! Enjoy your weekend and as always you are in all of our prayers and Sharon's families prayers and their friends prayers and the nuns at Sinsinowa over near Galena's prayers get the picture!

Love Ya!


PS: I hope Daly grows up to be as cute as you!!!

Anonymous said...

Sam I Am!

So it took 6 of the smartest doctors a month to figure out that our Sammy is really really special??

And they haven't seen you play baseball! If this chemo is anything like your days as a Titan, look out!!

We love you sooooooo much.
Aunt Mary

Aunt Amy said...


Now, I'm not a betting person....but I say that first batch of nasty drugs is going to be the out cancer we come!!!!

Love as are a MAJOR tough cookie...


Unknown said...

Hang tough!! You've always been a winner and we know you'll beat this "thing". We love ya lots and are thinking and praying non-stop!!
Mr. & Mrs. Sanders