Sunday, November 25, 2007


Unknown said...

Woof Woof!

What a great photo! Bella is adorable! You two look very cute together.

Good luck with your appointments next week. I'll be thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

Our Sweetie Pie, Sammy!

You two are SOOO cute together!

We are surrounding you with lots and lots of love and prayers!(I guess you have to share with Bella now!)

Aunt Mary

Aunt Amy said...


Could you just kiss her to death?...oh my gosh..she is WAY too cute...and so are you, by the way.

Many good thoughts coming your way from Ohio for the upcoming week...

A big hug and kiss to both of you from Aunt Amy.

Vanessa said...

Congrats! She is so cute! I love her name too. Pet Smart over on Skokie Blvd. has some fun puppy training classes. The instructor, Devon, is awesome. She can get a dog to do anything! You are going to have sooo much fun with Bella!

We're all thinking of you over here.


Nancy said...

Hi Sammy,

Love the picture! Bella is so cute!
You both look very happy!!
How is trainging going?

Love you,
Nancy B

Jeff said...

Humor alert...

That's a cute picture. That's the first time anyone has given me "the finger" without making me upset.

Sorry, Sammy.